A Google Keep Alternative

A Google Keep Alternative

Google Keep users are making the switch to Supernotes. Here’s why...

Switch from Google Keep now and give Supernotes a go!

We designed Supernotes to be a great note-taking alternative to Google Keep. See for yourself and sign up for free below!

Need more convincing? Here's a few more reasons why you should give Supernotes a go...

Don't just take our word for it. Here's what our community says...

“Now that my notes are linked, organised and beautifully rendered, they are so much more useful!”
switched from Google Keep
“I'm starting to move all my bookmarks and random notes on my phone (relating to personal interests, work interests, and.. other) to Supernotes so that all my 'info' is in one place. Love it.
switched from Google Keep
“Many things:
Hierarchical aspect.
Nice UX.
Completeness of features: pictures, markdown syntax editing, search.
switched from Google Keep
“A few things: the design, graph view, and the character limit per note. I think Supernotes is the simplest approach I've found to implement a Zettelkasten-esque system and ultimately that's why I subscribed.
switched from Google Keep
“The simplicity. It took me 30 mins to get the hang of adding and organizing cards and I built my personal progress tracking system in an hour. I have autism and ADHD so keeping the barrier to entry low and not too much on the screen is important to me.”
switched from Google Keep
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Not feeling Google Keep? We hear you!

Note-taking is very personal and even though Google Keep is a great tool, it might not fit your workflow. We’re on a mission to help you find the best note-taking app for you.

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