Thoughts Collection

Re-discover lost notes and expand on them

When you are in a rush you might write down some ideas / reminders in your notes app. Previously you might have found those ideas get lost in an abundance of other notes. So we created the Thoughts collection to solve this. In the Thoughts collection you can find those lonely notes without a title, content or links to the rest of of your knowledge base.

Thoughts Collection| Supernotes
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Don't just take our word for it. Here's what our community says...

What apps have you replaced with Supernotes? “Mainly Notion. I feel that Supernotes is better to use for my notes. Especially for quick notes and thoughts. I love that you can customize the menu on the side with only the notes that are relevant to you.”
switched from Notion
“OneNote turned into a messy dumping ground of unfinished notes/screenshots etc. Pages of unnecessary notes that I didn't need to keep, and it was really hard to find anything. I see Supernotes as more of a long term record of notes I actually want to keep and will refer back to - the beautiful layout prompts me to keep my notes clean and tidy too!
switched from Microsoft OneNote
My favourite feature is the soft word count limit. It's a non-obvious feature, and it's genius. I found that with other note-taking apps, I would just dump other people's content into the app, and then do nothing with it.
With Supernotes, I find myself only collecting the best nuggets and ideas of what I'm reading. The card-like structure and the word count limit push me to write things in my own words and do my own thinking. So I use it to take notes, record SOPs, and now to write drafts for content I want to publish.”
switched from Obsidian
“I like that it [Supernotes] puts new notes into "Thoughts", which encourages me to organize, sort, and tag them. It's like an inbox for notes I need to process, which is really helpful as both a review and to maintain a consistent structure.
switched from Mem.AI

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