An Evernote Alternative

An Evernote Alternative

Evernote users are making the switch to Supernotes. Here’s why...

Switch from Evernote now and give Supernotes a go!

We designed Supernotes to be a great note-taking alternative to Evernote. See for yourself and sign up for free below!

Need more convincing? Here's a few more reasons why you should give Supernotes a go...

Don't just take our word for it. Here's what our community says...

“The new right-hand pane, the UI, the keyboard shortcuts, the 1200 character limit, it being perfect for a zettelkasten, the export to markdown and PDF, embedding pictures. As a package, Supernotes is amazing.”
switched from Evernote
“Supernotes is clean, simple, easy to focus with ... rivals the organisational powers of Evernote
switched from Evernote
“Better note taking, organizing and store code on daily basis ... [Supernotes also has] more markdown options, fast.”
switched from Evernote
“A few things: the design, graph view, and the character limit per note. I think Supernotes is the simplest approach I've found to implement a Zettelkasten-esque system and ultimately that's why I subscribed.
switched from Evernote
“I use Supernotes for personal note-taking, jotting down ideas, recording daily events, and keeping track of people in my life. I enjoy the Graph View and organizing my notes as cards.”
switched from Evernote
“I feel I can control my ideas better in Supernotes. After using many note-taking apps, the speed is really important factor. The second thing is the minimal design.”
switched from Evernote
“I decided to switch to Supernotes because I needed a tool with a simple yet elegant design.
Additionally, I valued the smooth categorization, filtering, and search system that Supernotes offers.
The best feature of the app for me is the ability for a card to have multiple parents. I've dreamed of such a feature for many years and was thrilled when I saw it in Supernotes.”
switched from Evernote
“I'm working on transferring my recipes, workout logs, and random ideas for work. It's essential for me to have a calendar built into the notes app, Supernotes has it covered.”
switched from Evernote
“With Supernotes I can easily just focus on each section of my long form writing at a time without dealing with plugins, learning why a plugin or theme is not working, or without dealing with syncing issues or having to learn some code in order to make a system that would help me focus on writing.”
switched from Evernote
People from the best universites and organizations | Supernotes

Wondering why members of the best universities and organisations trust Supernotes?

Not feeling Evernote? We hear you!

Note-taking is very personal and even though Evernote is a great tool, it might not fit your workflow. We’re on a mission to help you find the best note-taking app for you.

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