A Craft Alternative

A Craft Alternative

Craft users are making the switch to Supernotes. Here’s why...

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We designed Supernotes to be a great note-taking alternative to Craft. See for yourself and sign up for free below!

Need more convincing? Here's a few more reasons why you should give Supernotes a go...

Don't just take our word for it. Here's what our community says...

“Love the design, card layout, somehow the design is easier on the cognitive front. Pulling up related cards are much easier than say Roam, Craft, and other apps.”
switched from Craft
“Supernotes is exceptional for organization. I can have hierarchy AND backlinks AND good UX ... The notecard format is amazing. It makes me think atomically.”
switched from Craft
“Everything! I have a personal, family and work space. I love the card concept and note boards concept for structure.”
switched from Craft
“I’m an AI researcher and so far I’ve been using Supernotes to keep track of concepts (ideas) from multiple sources. I was initially using Notion, Craft, and some text editors like Bear. But there was something missing.
I needed a way to express ideas that could come in handy in the future without it necessarily being just “notes” and the intuition behind Supernotes felt like it. I’m able to morph ideas into perspectives (of said ideas), as having some relation with other ideas, etc... allowing me to create structures.
switched from Craft
“Gorgeous design. I’m tired of all these ugly apps where people can customize it with css. They always end up looking like sh***y versions of MySpace pages from 2005. A good looking app is super important to me and Supernotes is beautiful.”
switched from Craft
“I feel I can control my ideas better in Supernotes. After using many note-taking apps, the speed is really important factor. The second thing is the minimal design.”
switched from Craft
People from the best universites and organizations | Supernotes

Wondering why members of the best universities and organisations trust Supernotes?

Not feeling Craft? We hear you!

Note-taking is very personal and even though Craft is a great tool, it might not fit your workflow. We’re on a mission to help you find the best note-taking app for you.

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