

Be Super While Working from Home

Monday, 20th April 2020

Be Super While 
 Working from Home

Given the circumstances surrounding the current global pandemic and the impact it is having on all of us, we are announcing a few updates regarding our company, platform and offerings.

Our team is safe and sound

First and foremost, I am very pleased to say that our team is in great health. We have all been working from home since early March on the new Supernotes 1.2 release. Remote working has come fairly easily for us – we built our original MVP as a remote team. However, we know it can be hard to find the right combination of tools and workflow that allow you to stay productive. If you are looking for suggestions, here are some of the great tools and apps that we use on a daily basis to make Supernotes.

One of our recent team meetings at Supernotes
One of our recent team meetings

We also very thankful to have very supportive investors and advisors over at Flamefinch Partners - David, Phill & Hayley you rock. 🤘

Supernotes Unlimited is Free until July

With students, academics and professionals relying on Supernotes every day, we hope we can make these next few months a little easier. So starting today (with the release of Supernotes 1.2), we are making Supernotes Unlimited free for everyone until July! If you’re already an Unlimited user, you will also have no charges during this time – thank you for supporting us. ❤️

Some Supernotes on the fundamentals of the React language
A collection of Supernotes on the fundamentals of ReactJS

Free Webinars on Productivity

Here at Supernotes, we love keeping informed and staying in the loop on the latest productivity hacks, but even the most powerful methods are undermined by the slow creep of procrastination – especially when working from home. To help you defeat procrastination, we are offering a free webinar on the 28th April - click here to register. We’re hoping to do more online workshops / webinars in the future, so make sure and sign up so that we know you’re interested!

And if webinars aren’t your thing, you can always read one of our articles, like how to beat procrastination and learn more, study less.

Stay Safe (and Super)

Finally, we hope that all of you are keeping well! We would love to hear your thoughts on working from home, and don’t forget to send us pics of how you are using Supernotes over on twitter, or chat with other users on our community forum.

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